Hw 1

 1) Which part of Media are you looking forward to the most?

The acting and technological aspects

2) What knowledge and skills do you hope to learn in Media?

How to edit and record things

3) What grade are you realistically hoping to achieve in Media?

 I hope to get a 9 but realistically i think a 7 or 8

4) What device do you use most to access the media? (The media = news, TV, music, film, social media etc.)

 my phone and sometimes tv and laptop

5) What is your average 'screen time' (or equivalent) on your phone each day. Is this about right, too little or too much? Why? 

I dont have a guess but i would say a little bit too much because it distracts me from a lot of things

6) What was the last TV programme or film you watched?

Jeen-yuhs: a kanye trilogy

7) What device or subscription do you use to listen to music?


8) Do you play videogames? If so, what do you play games on and what is your favourite game?

Yes, i play on PS5 and i mainly play fifa and tom clancys rainbow six siege

9) Are you on social media? If so, what social media do you have and why do you like it? 

Tik Tok, X, instagram mainly because there are funny and interesting videos on there

10) Finally, do you think the media is a positive or negative thing for young people? Why?

It depends on the persona and form of media used as on youtube some kids under 7 might see something dangerous and try to reinact it but someone over 11 isnt likely to do that


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