
 In the image i can see a young boy who looks very frustrated and tired with a caption saying “Dig toilets, not graves” The possible deeper meaning to this is most likely being to tell people that children are dying because of poor sanitation in certain areas. The advert communicates to the audience that they could help save people with their donations.An audience could react in many different ways some examples being that they help the child by donating to water aid, they could feel bad for the people but not do anything, or just not care at all depending on the audience

This is an advert for Coca cola which is a billboard that shows a temperature next to the words “[blank] reasons to refresh yourself”The advert is relying on the temperature which is 102 degrees fahrenheit(very hot) to say that if its hot you would need a refreshment that refreshment being coke.This may cause a person seeing this advert want coke due to th heat which symobolizes that its a good drink for when its hot


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