
Blog feedback and Learner Response

Full Name Blog set up and URL provided Introductory 10 Qs Denotation & Connotation x2 Fruit bowl Mise-en-scene: Stranger Things Blog marking LR DHAMI, Draven   WWW: I don’t have your blog link yet as you’ve only just joined Media. Let’s get your blog set up and transfer any work you’ve done on Google docs across to your blog.    EBI: Details for setting up your blog can be found on our GCSE Year 1 blog here:   All the other work will be on our Year 1 Media blog – visit here then scroll back to earlier posts:   LR: Create a new blogpost on your Media blog called ‘Blog feedback and Learner Response’. Copy and paste this WWW/EBI feedback into your blogpost then complete the LR tasks/questions below.   Start catching up with the work you’ve missed so we can turn the tracker green and make a brilliant start in Media Blog now set up and work posted

Blog index

 1) First blog task - 10 questions 2) Denotation and Connotation 3) Introduction to Photoshop: fruit bowls 4) Mise-en-scene: Stranger Things 5) Camerawork: shots and angles 6) Camera movement and editing 7) Blog feedback and learner response

camera movement

 at 28 seconds there is an eyeline match. THis shows the audience that the man reading the newspaper knows that there is a criminal across from him. Straight cuts were heavily used throughout the action sequence. This was used by the director to make the pace fasster.This gives the audience a feel of excitement and tension. A jump cut is used to once again increase the pace ofthe scene making it more intense and easier for the viewer to engage with. Very long scenes are used at the start to show the intensity isnt really much yet. Later on the scenes transition into very quick cuts showing that the situation is intensifying. One shot was a crane shot. This communicates to the audience how many people are actually there An over the shoulder sjot was used to represent the realisation on the bus that Tom Cruise is a (pre)criminal


  Costume:The first person we see is wearing a white lab coat suggesting he is some form of doctor or scientist which suggest this show is possibly  going to have a science fiction vibe There are also 4 children all wearing typical children clothes changing the tone of the scene to a bit more fun, The childs parents  are wearing very basic clothes showing that they are just ordinary people Lighting: The lighting at the start is very dim and ominous which further pushes into the sci-fi vibe but also adding horror and a fearful atmosphere in the scene,it then cuts to a sprinkler with a dark background giving even more of a ominous and creepy atmosphere.When the children are in the basement of some sort,the lighting is still dim but in a comforting way. When all the kids are leaving the house the porch light flashes which could be an omen to say something is about to happen, nearly a minute later, a kids bike light flashes,after that he falls and is hunted and caught  by a monster,( as he


  In the image i can see a young boy who looks very frustrated and tired with a caption saying “Dig toilets, not graves” The possible deeper meaning to this is most likely being to tell people that children are dying because of poor sanitation in certain areas. The advert communicates to the audience that they could help save people with their donations.An audience could react in many different ways some examples being that they help the child by donating to water aid, they could feel bad for the people but not do anything, or just not care at all depending on the audience This is an advert for Coca cola which is a billboard that shows a temperature next to the words “[blank] reasons to refresh yourself”The advert is relying on the temperature which is 102 degrees fahrenheit(very hot) to say that if its hot you would need a refreshment that refreshment being coke.This may cause a person seeing this advert want coke due to th heat which symobolizes that its a good drink for when its hot

Hw 1

  1) Which part of Media are you looking forward to the most? The acting and technological aspects 2) What knowledge and skills do you hope to learn in Media? How to edit and record things 3) What grade are you realistically hoping to achieve in Media?  I hope to get a 9 but realistically i think a 7 or 8 4) What device do you use most to access the media? (The media = news, TV, music, film, social media etc.)  my phone and sometimes tv and laptop 5) What is your average 'screen time' (or equivalent) on your phone each day. Is this about right, too little or too much? Why?  I dont have a guess but i would say a little bit too much because it distracts me from a lot of things 6) What was the last TV programme or film you watched? Jeen-yuhs: a kanye trilogy 7) What device or subscription do you use to listen to music? Spotify 8) Do you play videogames? If so, what do you play games on and what is your favourite game? Yes, i play on PS5 and i mainly play fifa and tom clancys rainb

camera shots and angles

  0.01 medium shot This shows the audience the upper half of the characters body but still shows parts of the house to establish when its set you are also able to see a rather serious and stern expression on the characters face which means that they are discussing something important or dangerous 0.55 Long Shot: This is used to allow the audience to see the setting but they are still able to see part of the character, enough to see who the character is. The setting looks like a desk and a laptop, with that information you can infer he has a big job. The lighting is very dim which could mean its night time  2.14: